Mineral Platform

If you’re struggling to create or maintain an employee handbook, Valley Insurance Partners is here to help.
A well written, up-to-date employee handbook is a necessary tool to introduce new employees to company culture and expectations.
Each handbook is tailored to the industry and work environment of a specific company. Companies that provide a handbook provide a compass to their employees, showing them the values, vision, and standards of the workplace.
When an employee has a question about the company, these handbooks can provide clear, detailed answers. Handbooks include elements such as:
- Company expectations surrounding online conduct (e.g., social media)
- Company history, culture, and ethics
- Pay, promotion, and benefits information
- Workplace safety requirements
- Federal and state employment regulations (e.g., family medical leave, equal employment, and worker’s compensation policies)
A signed acknowledgement that an employee has read and understood a handbook can protect employers if they need to terminate an employee for violating company policy.
However, creating and maintaining these handbooks can be daunting. Especially because employers are required to include up-to-date federal and state regulations. Because of this, many employers either lack or fail to update their handbooks. This deprives employees of a valuable resource while also putting the company at risk.
To make this process easier for our clients, Valley Insurance Partners provides free access to Mineral. We are now extending this offer to you.
Mineral makes creating and updating handbooks easy. They provide templates for creating handbooks that are detailed, organized, and engaging. Once a handbook is created, Mineral will send notifications when federal or state regulations change.
Through their portal, updates to handbooks can be quickly made to reflect these changes. Employees can then log in to the portal to accept the update via electronic signature. Handbooks can also be exported and distributed as PDFs.
If you’d like to provide your employees with this essential resource while protecting your company from wrongful termination lawsuits, don’t delay. Give us a call or send us an email and we’ll get you started with Mineral.